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Chinese tariffs to cause disruptions
New Chinese retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods will cause global disruptions and force Canadians to defend their markets against heightened American competition, say soybean and meat producers.
Ratification of CPTPP trade deal up in the air
Almost a month has passed since Canada ratified the CPTPP trade deal and there’s no sign yet that the government is ready to introduce implementing legislation to approve Canada’s participation in the Pacific trade pact.
Government policies hinder international competitiveness of food companies
While the federal government wants the agrifood sector to boost exports to $75 billion, its policies create major roadblocks to reaching that goal, says Chris White, President and CEO of the Canadian Meat Council.
Reality Check: How Much Meat do Canadians Eat?
A new analysis of Statistics Canada data shows Canadians are consuming moderate amounts of meat. On average, Canadians consume 41 grams of cooked fresh meat, such as beef, pork, lamb and veal, a day – that’s about half the size of the palm of your hand.
Canadian Agri-food exporters applaud signing of CPTPP
The Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance (CAFTA) applauded the Government of Canada for signing the final text of the historic Comprehensive and Progressive TransPacific Partnership (CPTPP) and urged swift movement to ratify the deal.